We have hand-picked a selection of high-quality Sage Add-on’s that will add value to your Sage system and improve efficiency in your organization. These add-on’s will quickly and easily plug into your Sage system with seamless integration.


Sage Inventory Advisor is an affordable cloud application that helps companies reduce excess inventory and free up working capital while minimizing stock-outs and increasing revenue.

  • Reduce inventory by up to 25% and improve cash flow.
  • Improve fill rates by up to 10% minimizing stock-outs and increasing sales.

 Compatible with:

Sage IntacctSage 300


Our List of Sage Add-ons


What it does

Compatible with


Bridge the gap between Sage 300 and UK MTD (Making Tax Digital). This is the only MTD module on the market that is truly integrated end to end.

It supports:

  • Group Tax Reporting from multiple Sage databases.
  • Multiple VAT Registrations from a single Sage database
  • Non Great British Pound base currency companies

Using this module will cut VAT processing time by up to 25%

Sage 300

Payment File Generator

Allows you to generate AP payment files in the format required by your on-line banking software. Optionally there is enhanced security which enables you to restrict who can update bank details on a vendor and a Vendor approval workflow ensures segregation of duties. Remittance Advises can be emailed to Vendors automatically.

  • A library of over 20 bank formats from UK, US, Europe and Asia are supported.
  • SEPA payment files fully supported

Use this module and drive greater efficiency within your Accounts Payable team.

Sage 300

Consolidation Automation

The Sage 300 GL Consolidation module is extremely powerful. This module further enhances the functionality by removing the need for manual exports and imports from the source companies into the consolidation companies. Now you can complete the consolidation process literally at the click of a single button. This add-on wipes hours off the time it takes to run the consolidation process.

Sage 300

Employee Portal

A web-based portal to handle the everyday transaction employees carry out affecting the finance and accounting system.

  • Employees can submit expenses on-line
  • Employees can raise requisitions on-line

There is a workflow engine that can be configured to reflect your unique approval rules. Once approved the transaction passes into Sage 300 Accounts Payable for payment.

iOS and Android apps further enhance this solution.

This modules eliminates the need for paper to flow around the organization, speeds up the approval process and removes the need for Accounts Payable to spend hours rekeying expenses, Purchase Orders and Vendor Invoices.

Sage 300


Mobile expense reporting solution designed with both the user and accountant in mind, Expensify is the leader in expense management innovation. With direct Sage Intacct integration it cuts down hours of manual data entry and makes it faster than ever to review expenses, reimburse employees, and close your books each month.

Sage 300

Sage Intacct

Yooz Accounts Payable Automation

Affordable and effective invoice and payment processing (AP) automation solution. Its end-to-end solution is designed to be intuitive, secure, and customisable. With this solution you can reduce AP processing costs by as much as 70%.

Sage 300

Sage Intacct

We have featured these add-ons as an example of what is possible. If you have a specific requirement where Sage 300 or Sage Intacct does not quite give you what you need then call us today. One of our product experts will be able to guide to one of the many Market Place add-ons that will super charge your Sage application.

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